Low Pressure In-Line Filter - GS Series


The In-line GS Series is a range low pressure filters suitable for use in several lube oil-, fuel- and hydraulic oil filtration applications
Suitable for a max. flow 350 l/min and a max. pressure of 40 bar.

Availability: Out of stock SKU: CSGS6FFF198 Categories: , ,


Items marked with an asterisk * in the drop-down menus are standard choices.
The In-line GS Series comes in three different housing sizes and with several media options allowing a wide range of applications.
The Cast iron housings makes the GS series also suitable for marine application.
Pre-filtration with magnets is available as well as several connection options.
Available with Visual, Electrical or Visual/Electronic differential pressure indicators.
Max. nominal flow 350 l/min. Max. working pressure 40 bar.
• Industrial gear box lube oil filter
• Heavy fuel oil filter for diesel engines
• Suction filter for fuel systems
• Low pressure hydraulic oil filter

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